Title: Planetary Intelligence: Better Decisions for Business and Planet
Speaker: Matthew Smith
Affiliation: Scientific Technologies
Cambridge Centre for Carbon Credits (4C)
Title: Planetary Intelligence: Better Decisions for Business and Planet
Speaker: Matthew Smith
Affiliation: Scientific Technologies
Our Director Anil Madhavapeddy is speaking on the panel alongside Greg Jackson, CEO and Founder of Octopus Energy and Professor David Cope. This 17th Pembroke William Pitt seminar will be Chaired by Professor Emily Shuckburgh, Director @CambridgeZero and introduced by the Master of Pembroke College Cambridge Lord Chris Smith.
Title: Towards a single controller that can make many buildings a little greener
Speaker: Arduin Findeis
Affiliation: University of Cambridge
Title: Bringing Trust to Carbon Credits Through Computer Science
Speaker: Srinivasan Keshav
Affiliation: University of Cambridge
Title:4C Overview
Speaker: Thomas Swinfield
Affiliation: Dept of Zoology and 4C
Keshav Srinivasan will speak at the Next Generation Networking (NGN) Webinar about the computer science aspects of the 4C framework; starting with the background to the carbon sequestration measurements and the nature-based solutions, and leading into the quantification systems that we are developing to robustly track nature-based interventions.
Anil Madhavapeddy will be speaking at the London Stock Exchange Annual Investment Fund Conference on opportunities for funds in the voluntary carbon markets, with a focus on the new class of high-integrity carbon credits.
Tom Swinfield and Anil Madhavapeddy will give an overview of the 4C marketplace at the Cambridge Carbon Offset Seminar series. Tune in via Zoom to hear more!